Sustainability Consultant

Natalie Ellis, Sustainability Consultant

Natalie Ellis is a Sustainability consultant, works with ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 management systems and has considerable experience in the environmental impact of the workplace.

What do I like about my job?

Making a difference is important to me. In Sustainability, I get to help people find solutions. I’ve managed ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 systems for the last 10 years. The whole process is about improvement, and its been a positive experience.

The most important thing for me as a sustainability consultant is to understand the client’s challenges, not just for the organisation as a whole but for the individual too.

For staff who’ve been given sustainability as an add-on to their role, it can be daunting. I know that first hand. Building relationships, trust and working well together is the only way forward and that is certainly an important part of my consultant role at Survey and Test Ltd.

Taking the time to understand the barriers we have definitely gives us the freedom to get the solutions right straight off. Working as a team, we stay organised and that makes everyone’s day much easier.

There’s not a second chance at halting climate change and lots of organisations are at the beginning of their journey. I can help you by using international standards and compliance to your best advantage and bringing workplace staff along at the same time with skills such as carbon literacy.

Day to day management of workplace environmental impact is an important element of sustainability and I can help your staff understand the requirements for issues such as waste management, COSHH, control of legionella or Fgas.

Many issues are just as relevant to our lives at home as they are in the workplace.

What do I think outside of work? There’s something about being a working mum in sustainability that’s worth celebrating. Finding a quality-of-life balance both right now and still looking at the future is a part of that. In terms of sustainability, it’s the next generation’s world too.

If you’re looking for a solution for your organisation’s future, send me a message, I’ll be pleased to help.

If you’d like to engage Survey & Test Ltd to assist your organisation on their environmental journey, fill out our quick contact form, or visit our contact page.


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